About the files on this disk: The OS/2 Installation disk contains two directories: 1) \SVR_SVC which includes the server service install program and the OS/2 services. 2) \BJ_CLNT which includes BLACKJAC.EXE and CARDS.DLL. The INSTALL.EXE program in the \SVR_SVC directory is a Windows program that installs the included services on remote OS/2 LAN Manager servers. The BJSVR.EXE and PERFSVR.EXE files in the SRV_SVC directory are the OS/2 LAN Manager services. These services are used in conjunction with the Windows applications included in the toolkit such as the performance meter, the alarm station, and the blackjack client. The files in the \BJ_CLNT directory are the client side pieces of a blackjack network game. Install the blackjack service on a remote server and then multiple Windows clients can play in the same blackjack game. The INSTALL.EXE program does *NOT* copy any files to your local computer. It copies the LAN Manager services to the remote LAN Manager server you choose. To copy the source code and examples (including the client pieces of the blackjack game) from this disk to your local hard disk, you can use the Windows File Manager. VBRUN100.DLL must be in your path to run the install program. If you have already installed the other disks in the toolkit, VBRUN100.DLL will already be in your path. You run the service install program from Windows. To start Install: 1. Insert Disk 1 in drive A or B. 2. In the Program Manager, choose Run from the File menu. 3. Type A:\SVR_SVC\INSTALL.EXE or B:\SVR_SVC\INSTALL.EXE 4. Follow the Setup instructions in the dialog box on the screen. The dialog box provides selection of the remote server and which services to install. You must have administrative privilege to be able to install a service. The dialog also includes Install, Auto Start, and Start Now options. These options are described in the following paragraphs. Install The Installation process modifies the LANMAN.INI file on the server. These changes include the addition of a line in the [services] section and the addition of the service name on the srvservices line if you select the auto start option. The original LANMAN.INI file is saved as LANMAN.OLD. Auto Start The auto start option control if the service will start when the server service starts. LAN Manager automatically starts the perfsvr service each time the server starts if you select this option. There is a known bug in starting both the perfsvr service and the blackjack service when the server starts. Start the blackjack service using the NET START BLACKJACK command. Start Now This option starts the service as soon as you install it on the server.